SQL Saturday Dallas–BI Edition (again!)

SQL Saturday 163 - DallasI’m happy to announce that the North Texas SQL Server User Group will be hosting our fourth SQL Saturday event this fall. SQL Saturday #163 will be a BI-focused event similar to the one we hosted in the Fall of 2010. We invite you to join us at the Microsoft campus on Saturday, October 13th for a full day of SQL Server BI learnin’.

This event will be smaller than our typical events, by design. On the heels of hosting SQL Rally just last month, we wanted to offer a fall event without overtaxing our volunteers who worked so hard to help make Rally happen. The BI event seemed to fit this space well. Our last BI event was hugely popular, and was sold out in less than a day.

Registration is currently open, as is the call for speakers. If you’re interested in attending, speaking, or volunteering, get signed up today!

Shameless Plug

If you’re planning to take part in this SQL Saturday event (or even if you aren’t), I invite you to join me for a full day preconference seminar the day before, on Friday, October 12th. I’ll be presenting “Real World SSIS: A Survival Guide”, intended not just as a how-to but a walkthrough of some common real-world problems and practical solutions. Space is very limited for this precon, so please do register early before it fills up. I hope to see you there!

About the Author

Tim Mitchell
Tim Mitchell is a data architect and consultant who specializes in getting rid of data pain points. Need help with data warehousing, ETL, reporting, or training? If so, contact Tim for a no-obligation 30-minute chat.

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